UQ Library 23 Things

Welcome UQ Library 23 Things attendees.

This blog will be used by the 23 Things co-ordinators to communicate with you during the 23 things program.

Please see the links in the side panel for access to the 23 Things acitivites on the Library website and for access to the blogs of fellow attendees.

We hope you enjoy the program.

UQL - 23 Things co-ordinators.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Week 4

Dear 23 "Thingers"

Somehow it's midweek already - I apologise for the lateness of the update. You'll be pleased to know i'm working my way through an eBook or 2 a week - the apartment is peaceful sans TV. The books occasionally expand my vocab and I gleefully switch apps from IBooks to Safari to get the definitions - a far cry from the days when you had to look it up in a [very] heavy tome your mother would hand you if you asked what a word meant.

Thank you for your efforts last week with Pixlr. I understand at least some of you weren't able to complete the exercise. I think that it was probably the Flash addin in your browser which required updating - but since we're unable to do this ourselves it can be a little effort to get it done. I find PixLr (image)s good for avatars - something to keep in mind you you want a new image for your Skype / FaceBook.

To This week:

This week is about RSS and associated technologies which stem from it. Basically RSS enables you to subscribe to sites or parts of sites which interest you - via a reader. For a lot of us - this is the last thing we want - more information! I sympathise.

As for dashboards, basically gadgets utilising RSS to centralise lots of updates on things in one place. You've semi-entountered this vis-a-vis iGoogle.

If you like you could simply blog about what you subscribe to in iTunes or similar = )
Have a great week and if you're heading out early on holidays - lucky you! Enjoy.


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