UQ Library 23 Things

Welcome UQ Library 23 Things attendees.

This blog will be used by the 23 Things co-ordinators to communicate with you during the 23 things program.

Please see the links in the side panel for access to the 23 Things acitivites on the Library website and for access to the blogs of fellow attendees.

We hope you enjoy the program.

UQL - 23 Things co-ordinators.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Week 5

Hi Everyone,

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend. This week's task are about online books in their various forms. eBooks and Audio Books have been popular as our mobile devices have improved and the books have come down in price.

One of the benefits of online books for me has been the opportunity to read some of the classics which I've never come across. A lot of these old books are out of copyright and can be downloaded for free from the various app stores.

Why not give that a try along with the other tasks on books.


~ Jake.

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