UQ Library 23 Things

Welcome UQ Library 23 Things attendees.

This blog will be used by the 23 Things co-ordinators to communicate with you during the 23 things program.

Please see the links in the side panel for access to the 23 Things acitivites on the Library website and for access to the blogs of fellow attendees.

We hope you enjoy the program.

UQL - 23 Things co-ordinators.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

23 Things - week 2

Dear All,

It's week 2. More excitingly it's 3 weeks to Christmas. I read an interesting article (or blog post) the other day comparing the iPad Air and the new iPad Mini in terms of which would make the most desirable Christmas present... I can't remember which they ended up wanting more... If it were me - I guess I'd prefer an iPad mini. [Same tech specs/slightly smaller]

Has anyone come across any gadgetry that they'll be giving people (or would love to receive for Christmas? Why not put a post about it in your blog!)

Now - back to the work related stuff.

Ye olde' week 2 tasks 

You can come at these tasks from a couple of different angles. If you're not familiar with Google: it's history, products and exploits - you can base your investigations in that space. If you're up to speed on Google and would prefer to base your investigations on web functionality - why not investigate web search technology, location based technology and online collaboration software?

These tasks are here because Google is an Internet behemoth and our customers use Google services extensively. 
  • Google search has dominated Search and advertising for years.
  • As Hotmail became old news - it became standard to have a GMail account for your emails. 
  • YouTube is owned by Google and has become a mecca for pop culture. 
  • Google Maps set the standard for location based and directional services.  
So - either follow the tasks as they're written or mix it up. Either way. Have fun!

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