UQ Library 23 Things

Welcome UQ Library 23 Things attendees.

This blog will be used by the 23 Things co-ordinators to communicate with you during the 23 things program.

Please see the links in the side panel for access to the 23 Things acitivites on the Library website and for access to the blogs of fellow attendees.

We hope you enjoy the program.

UQL - 23 Things co-ordinators.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Week 10!

Dear 23 Thingers,

We've reached Week 10!
Before we celebrate - there are still a few tasks to do.

The first couple are around Social Media - Twitter and Facebook.

I'm afraid I don't have much use for Twitter. My life isn't fast paced enough to Tweet things a couple of times each day - however it can certainly be an interesting way to follow the movements of famous of interesting people.

My FaceBook use is really limited to chatting with family and uploading photos. I also view most of my social media stuff through an adblocking web add-in because otherwise a lot of these sites are just one big billboard.

There are also other social sites which you can investigate such as PInterest or LinkdIn.
Here are a couple of links that I was kindly sent by a 23 Thinger on social media:



Finally there is a reflection task where you ask yourself "Have I learned something?" I hope you have!

Good luck with your life long learning!

~ Jake

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