UQ Library 23 Things

Welcome UQ Library 23 Things attendees.

This blog will be used by the 23 Things co-ordinators to communicate with you during the 23 things program.

Please see the links in the side panel for access to the 23 Things acitivites on the Library website and for access to the blogs of fellow attendees.

We hope you enjoy the program.

UQL - 23 Things co-ordinators.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Wks 9 & 10

Dear 23 Thingers,

This is the final week of the program. Congratulations for getting there.
For some of you - this might be pre-emptive - but never mind! You can continue on blogging until you reach the end.

What are we looking at?
Last week, which I didn't blog about, was Wireless technologies... I hope you found this interesting. At the very least - it's worth being aware of the best ways to utilise free or public wifi signals (CAUTIOUSLY).

This week is... *checks* Social Networking! Twitter, FaceBook etc and then a reflection activity.
Please take the time to consider what you've learned.

Have a great week guys and I hope you enjoyed the program.

All the best ~ Jake.

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