UQ Library 23 Things

Welcome UQ Library 23 Things attendees.

This blog will be used by the 23 Things co-ordinators to communicate with you during the 23 things program.

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We hope you enjoy the program.

UQL - 23 Things co-ordinators.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 3

So it's Week 3 and it's Monday.

The non-relevant stuff you can skip:

I hope everyone had a great weekend. The little of mine that is 23 Things relevant was broken up thinking about a new TV and playing an iPAD game I picked from the app store.  
Obviously I did other things but they're not technical or for the Internet at large to laugh at.

First to the TV... mine was kindly provided by a friend who upgraded. The TV was already well used at the time. Lately it's been giving the screen a yellow tint ... i'm assuming this is a bad thing. Looking at some new ones in a store on the weekend - I realise that the world has changed since the last time I bought a TV. I imagine the new one - once i've researched it will be an LCD - but beyond that who knows...

Next to the iPAD game. I was a little bored and picked a funny looking game called <checks iPAD> Battleheart. It's an adventure game which seems to have borrowed a great number of ideas from a lot of other games that are out. I recently read a tech article that suggests this "me too"ism is fairly rampant in apps.

23 Things related:

This week is about sharing images online. The first task talks about Flickr and Picasa - but you might want to look at Instagram instead. Why?! I hear you ask. Well - FaceBook just paid a lot of money for this piece of software. That suggests you should be watching this space. Also - One of my FaceBook friends who tends to be an early adopter of all things technology and a fairly reliable bellweather has been using this for a while...

The second one is an easy task... PixLr. Basically - you doing some image editing online and then sticking it on your blog. This is supposed to be F.U.N. so try and enjoy it.  Doesn't matter if it's a picture of you or not. I think one of my favourites last time was someone using Miranda Kerr.

As always --  have a great week guys.
I'm having a premonition that mine is going to be busy ... and probably WON'T include a new TV ;)

~ Jake.

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